
14 December 2023 – A little Krawl and a large lunch… and it was! Not quite as many as last year but 15 krawlers and guests enjoyed the hospitality of the Queens Head in Downe for the third year in a row. We started with mulled wine before setting off on our regular walk. No deers or snow like last year, overcast, some mud and three and a bit miles before getting changed in the car park ready for for drinks before lunch. One by one the lunchers joined and we all had a jolly time and much to much food. Here’s to next year!

Attendees: Mike, BN (President) and Mark, Drew, Roger, Dave White and Jamie, Dave Arnold, Phil, Rae, Stan – joining for lunch were Fred, Ken, John, Ponti & Dave Cordell (10+5=15)

Apologies: Colin, Martin, Apples, Chris, Gareth, Jim (6)

23 November 2023 – A not very Stylish but possibly rather soggy Krawl around Ightam Mote. Only seven turned up for the krawl which turned out to be tough and very muddy. However, they were joined by a further seven for lunch – the most ever lunch-only? The hardy seven enjoyed the views and the pigs! before stopping at The Papermakers Arms for a pint. At The Kentish Rifleman we all enjoyed the food, drink and animated conversation.

Attendees: Ponti (President), Gareth, Drew, Chris, Rae, Roger, Dave Arnold – joining for lunch: BN, John, Dave’s C & W, Fred, Martin, Jim (7+7=14)

Apologies: Stan, Phil, Ken, Apples, Colin (5)

26 October 2023 –  Around Halstead. Eleven met up near The Rose & Crown in Halstead, enjoyed a little snifter then set off in the drizzle led by our President for the day, Roger. A dozen styles and numerous uphills took there toll. But we did have some good views of the London skyline. The clouds lifted and the sun came out and we enjoyed almost spring like weather as we made our way to the halfway house, The Bulls Head, arriving a few minutes after 12. We made our way back to The Rose & Crown and were joined by Dave Cordell, so 12 dined to a very good value meal. Six miles in total.

Attendees: Roger (President), BN, Drew, Jim, Colin, Martin, Stan, Ponti, 2 x Dave A, Dave W, – Dave C for lunch (11+1=12)

Apologies: Phil, Gareth, Rae, Chris & Fred (5) 

28 September 2023 – Around Penshurst. Seven met the President in the car park of The Leicester Arms Hotel. A late change of plan meant that the krawl was reduced to just five miles. Another mild day helped us along the wide paths around Penshurst grounds. No styles but several kissing gates later we arrived at The Fleur De Lis in Leigh, for a half-way pint. A retrace of an up-hill mile and we were on our way back for lunch – and a very good lunch it was too. John had made the trip so we dined eight.

Attendees: Phil (President), BN, Drew, Stan, Jim, Dave A, Chris plus John for lunch (7+1=8)

Apologies: Ken, Gareth, Ponti, Apples, Dave’s C & W, Rae, Roger, Martin, Colin (10)

31 August 2023 – Knole Park meanderings. Chris was President today and led us on a most enjoyable trip in Knole Park. A bit damp even for the deer’s as it took us over two miles before we saw the first one. Having started from The White Hart we made our way to The Chequers in the High Street via a very steep path for pleasant drink before retuning via Knole House. A good lunch was enjoyed by the ten krawlers. Just around six miles in total.

Attendees: Chris (President), BN, Apples, Drew, Gareth, Dave A, Dave W, Stan, Colin, Ponti (10)

Apologies: Ken, Rae, Phil, Roger, Martin, John, Dave C, Jim, Fred (9)

27 July 2023 – Ide Hill

Attendees: Rae (President), BN, Phil, Drew, Dave A, Jim, Stan, Chris, Dave W + Roger & Ken for lunch (9+2=11)

Apologies: Gareth, John, Dave C, Martin, Apples, Colin, Ponti (7)

29 June 2023 – A Krawl across Hayes Common.

Attendees: Dave A (President), BN, Drew, Phil, Dave C, Colin, Jim (no lunch), Chris + Fred for lunch (8-1+1=8)

Apologies: Ken, Ponti, Dave W, Gareth, Stan, Rae, Apples, Roger, Martin (9)

25 May 2023 – The first Ladies Day Krawl since September 2019 was enjoyed by all 23 attendees. Half of the party travelled up by train from Hayes meeting the others outside Greenwich station. Our President, Prof Chris, led us down towards Deptford Creek and the riverside walk. Retracing a bit of the krawl we arrived at the Cutty Sark before ascending though Greenwich and Blackheath parks to arrive at The Princess of Wales for a welcome pint. We then made our way towards The Richard 1st pub via the western path which many of us have never been down. A mostly enjoyable meal was had, albeit served very slowly, before we travelled back from wence we came. About 4 and a half miles.

Attendees: Chris (President) & Sheila, BN, Drew, Rae & Sjoukje, Jim & Pauline, Dave C, Dave & Rita with Ray & Chris, Roger & Dof, Dave A, Kate, Hazel, Judy, Annie, PohLeng – Ken & Noreen joined for lunch (21+2=23 – 12 Ladies)

Apologies: Gareth, Stan, Colin, Phil, Apples, Ponti, Martin, John, Fred (9)

27 April 2023 – Chelsfield and Environs. The President of the day, Drew, met us in the car park of The Bo Peep, with a little snifter before we set of for a very pleasant krawl. A few vicious styles greeted us within the first few minutes but the remainder had no major hills and very little mud. We made our way to The Five Bells in Chelsfield and enjoyed a pint in the fresh air. Back at The Bo Peep we were joined by Phil and Dave C. A most enjoyable meal followed and we were treated to all of the drinks by a kind benefactor from his recent Lottery win. Our guest, Colin Rowe, was nominated to join our little group which he readily accepted. 6.4 miles in total.

Present: Drew (President), BN & Colin Rowe (guest), Jim, Gareth, Chris, Roger, Dave A & W plus Phil & Dave C for lunch (8+1+2=11)

Apologies: John, Ponti, Ken, Rae, Martin, Stan and Apples (7)

30 March 2023 – A Krawl around Westerham. Nine were greeted by the President of the Day, Apples, in the car park just west of Westerham. A rugged, muddy day saw them make their way to Chartwell for a, mostly coffee stop. They then made their way back and duly arrived at The King’s Arms Hotel bang on 13:30. Thirteen sat down to another enjoyable lunch and all seemed reluctant to go home… around 6 miles in total.

Present: Apples (President), Drew, Phil, Gareth, Chris, Roger, Martin, Dave’s A & W – Ponti, John, Ken & BN joined for lunch (9+4=13)

Apologies: Rae, Fred, Stan, Dave C, Jim (5)

23 February 2023 – Around Otford. Ten krawlers were introduced to our guest, Colin Rowe, who is well known to the Blackheath & HF contingent. Having met at The Bull Oxted they were seen off by BN who was not able to krawl. The krawl was rugged with some steep inclines and a lot of steps, such that the aimed for half-way house, The Woodman, although viewed was not used. During the krawl the President introduced members to the Otford Solar System. BN returned for lunch along with Ken, so thirteen dined, good food, good company and with exceptional service from the staff. Just under 6 miles in total.

Present: John Butler (President), Drew, Jim, Dave A, Dave W, Chris, Gareth, Rae, Martin, Rae plus Colin Rowe (guest) – BN & Ken joined for lunch (10+1+2=13)

Apologies: Phil, Ponti, Stan, Fred, Dave C and Apples (6)

26 January 2023 – Knockholt. With more than normal on holiday only seven met at The Three Horseshoes in Knockholt. After a quick and welcome snifter we were off towards the half-way house… but we weren’t as The Harrow was not going to open until 16:00! So, change of plan, extend the first leg, obvious really. A couple of styles said Dave, well I lost count after 10, and to think he worked in a Bank. Plenty of mud meant that shoes needed cleaning. Wasn’t freezing but was quiet fresh and we were pleased to get back and into the warm. The food was good and the intimate nature made for a great day with good fellowship. 5.2 miles in total.

Present: Dave White (President), BN, Jim, Drew, Phil, Dave Arnold, Roger (7)

Apologies: Apples, Rae, Stan, Chris, Gareth, Ken, John, Dave C, Fred, Ponti (10)

The Chevening ‘keyhole’
What you see… Chevening House!