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2024 Krawls

27 June 2024 - Scadbury Park

Present: Stan (President), Colin, Drew, Jim, Dave A, Roger, Rae + Ken, Dave W, Fred for lunch (7+3=10)

Apologies: Gareth, Dave C, Chris, Ponti, John, Martin, Phil, Apples, BN (9)


30 May 2024 - Well Hill & Lullingston Park

Present: Drew (President), Dave A, Gareth, Colin, Rae, Stan, Chris + BN, Dave C, Phil, Dave W, John for lunch (7+5=12)

Apologies: Ponti, Jim, Ken, Martin, Apples, Roger, Fred (7)



25 April 2024 - Chelsfield and environs. At least it wasn't raining for this krawl, unlike the last two. Six gathered early for the start at the Bo Beep in Orpington. The President, Dave Arnold, was in good form and we all enjoyed a very pleasant and not difficult kawl across mostly open countryside, albeit with four stiles within the first mile. Making our way to the Five Bells in Chelsfield we were joined by Jim - bit cold to sit outside so we enjoyed a good pint inside before making our way back. Six 'lunchers' joined us and we had very good food, drinks and service along with lots of banter.

Present: Dave Arnold (President), BN, Roger, Stan, Gareth, Drew - Jim joined half-way and Dave's W & C, Chris, Apples, John (6+6=12)

Aplogies: Phil, Colin. Martin, Rae, Ken & Ponti (6)


28 March 2024 - a figure of eight around Knockholt was the intention but due to more bad weather it was cut to a loop around... The President, Roger, met the 'few' and guided them on yet another wet krawl. On their return they were met by a bevy of lunchers and all ten enjoyed a very good and quite long meal.

Present: Roger (President), Drew, Colin, Dave A, Stan + BN, Phil, Ponti, Dave C, Chris and Jim (5+6-1=10) Roger couldn't stay for lunch.

Apologies: Martin, Dave W, Gareth, Rae, Apples, John, Ken (7)


29 February 2024 - A Krawl around Leaves Green and Biggin Hill Aerodrome, in the rain... Six hardy soles enjoy each others company on one of the wettest krawls for many a time. The President, David White, having plied us with a nice tipple led us on a shortened krawl to The Queens Head in Downe. Having met at The Crown, Leaves Green in good spirits, despite the rain, we returned three hours latter for a most enjoyable meal where we were joined by four others. Around 5 miles or so.

Present: Dave W (President), BN, Colin, Rae, Roger, Chris + John, Ken, Dave C & Jim for lunch (6+4=10)

Apologies: Ponti, Drew, Apples, Phil, Gareth, Stan & Dave A (7)



25 January 2024 - Gareth was due to be President but could not attend at the last minute - but he had a substitute in Drew. After a delay of some 40 minutes (don't ask) we eventually left the car park near The Greyhound in Keston and made our way on a tough 4 miles towards The Crown Inn at Leaves Green. A good pint and we set off for the return journey meeting up with the three 'lunchers'. Yet another good meal, and a few drinks, were enjoyed by all. Six and a half miles in good conditions, not much mud and mild temperatures.

Present: Drew (Acting President), BN, Colin, Stan, Dave Arnold, Chris + Jim , Dave W & Dave C for lunch (7+3=10)

Apologies: Phil, Ponti, Apples, Rae, Gareth, Ken, John, Roger (8)